
Update: June 08, 2016


On June 7, 2016, CUPE members in the ITS area voted to accept the new wage scale. This is the first area to decide on a new wage scale that reflects the merger into MBLL. The new scale means that employees will reach the top of the wage scale faster (5 steps instead of 7) and the wage increments from one step to the next in each pay level will be consistent across the workplace.

If you filed a wage appeal for your classification or individual position, the process is still in progress.

For more information, please contact your Local 5021 Executive or email us at

ITS Wage Scale Update 06-07-2016 PDF

Update: June 02, 2016


Tuesday, June 07, 2016  Noon – 1:00 pm

@ CanadInn Polo Park – Ambassador K

(Lunch will be provided)

Proposed-NEW-IT-Pay-Scales PDF

Download (PDF, 62KB)

Update: April 22, 2016

To all CUPE local 5021 members:

As you have been informed by MBLL, your new benefits start on May 1, 2016.

Below are summary of some of the changes.

Please be aware of the following:

  • You have until April 30, 2016 to use your remaining Health Spending Account (HSA) Amounts from the current plan
  • You will have until May 31st, 2016 to submit your claims from your current plan
  • Starting May 1st , 2016
    • You will have access to your NEW HSA (full amount) and refreshed again on Jan 1st , 2017
    • The HSA dollar amount will vary based on the Option selection
    • New Dental (Basic/Major) amount based on the Option selection
    • Orthodontic claims history will transfer over to your new plan based on the Option selection
    • Vision claims history will transfer over to your new plan based on the Option selection
    • The HSA / Dental / Health plans will be refreshed each January 1st

Health Spending Account Amounts:

Option1                $1750

Option2                $775

Option3                $NIL

Option4                $250

Option5                $425

You can find the full benefits details here:


Update: April 08, 2016

Upcoming GMM – April 20, 2016

General Membership Meeting will be held on Wed, April 20th at 981 St. James Street

AGENDA for the GMM

  • Elections will be held for following positions (Nominations can be emailed to
    • President,
    • Recording Secretary,
    • Chief Stewards and
    • 1 Trustee (3 year term)
  • Benefits Info
  • CUPE MB Convention May 4-7 & Summer School May 29-June 3
  • Update on Wage Scale Review for ITS
  • LUNCH will be provided

Update: Feb 09, 2016

ITS Reclassification Update #1

Update: Jan 18, 2016


Update: Jan 15, 2016


Memorandum of Settlement Dec 1, 2015 (PDF)

After information sessions and balloting on Wednesday, January 13 and Thursday, January 14, 2016, CUPE Local 5021 members voted to accept the offer to settle a Collective Agreement between CUPE and Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries.

The term of the four-year agreement is October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2019, and includes:
– No concessions.
– Total of 2% wage increases in each year of the agreement, with retroactivity to October 1, 2015.
– Additional DLT entitlement of 24 hours upon ratification, DLT entitlement increase to 80 hours each year (April 1, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019), DLT bank maximum increases to 400. Employer to trial waiving minimum 24-hour DLT requirement for cash-out.
– Option for 36.75 hour workweek at same hourly rate of pay, linked to plans for continued wage negotiations related to the merged workplace (integrated compensation talks).
– Vacation improvement for new employees (6% vacation from year 1 up to year 5, beginning April 1, 2016).
– Standby pay improvements – $23 for regular work days, $38 for days of rest or holidays.
– Benefits improvements, including expansion of 100% Employer-paid benefits, Choices flexible benefits credits and options, with possibility to change options after two years.
– $500 Full-time/$400 Part-time annual retirees’ health spending account.
– Better language on human rights and health and safety, inclusion of protection against personal harassment (bullying).
– MBLL continues to pay LGA registration fees.
– Agreement to discuss alternatives to reliance on casual employees after they work 640 hours.
– Agreement to discuss Warehouse driving duties.
– Agreement for Employer to endeavour to make arrangements for a true half-day on Christmas Eve for eligible employees.
– Agreement to deal with merger and pay structure, including green circling, to discuss Employer’s proposed removal of IT Architect and Payroll Administrator classifications from the Union prior to exclusion, and right of members to vote on any proposed changes to pay structure.


What’s Next?
– Retroactive pay to October 1, 2015 will be processed by the Employer.
– The terms of the new Collective Agreement are effective as of ratification (January 14, 2016) unless otherwise specified, and all new terms will be implemented, in accordance with any deadlines agreed-to.
– The Union will set up Compensation Structure Committee to discuss proposed integrated wage structures with Employer.
– The Union and the Employer will work on signing the full agreement and distributing it to members.
– The Union will request more Choices Flex Benefits information meetings for members. The implementation date for the new benefits program is May 1, 2016.
– Position Profiles: Local 5021 wants to hear from you with any views on your position profile changes. If you believe your profile does not match your duties, you have grounds to apply for reclassification, or your duties have changed significantly, please contact the Union.
ITS Members: ITS is the first area to fall under the proposed integrated compensation structure. ITS members would have received a letter from the Employer in December 2015, and Local 5021 wants to hear from you with any views on the proposed new wage. We will use this information to advocate for an equitable and fair settlement on integrated wages. Remember, the Union will continue to negotiate and members will have the opportunity to vote on the proposed wage structure. The Employer has established an ITS implementation date of April 1, 2016, and this subject to negotiations.

Update: Dec 15, 2015
NEW VOTING DATES: JANUARY 13 and 14, 2016.**

Wednesday, January 13 – Noon – McPhillips Station Casino, 484 McPhillips Street
(MSC Finance Meeting Room)
Wednesday, January 13 – 5:00 pm – Buffalo Place, 1555 Buffalo Place,
(BP Churchill Room)
Thursday, January 14 – Noon – Club Regent Casino, 1425 Regent Ave W (CRC Finance Meeting Room)
Thursday, January 14 – 5:00 pm – All other sites, CanadInns Polo Park, 1405 St. Matthews Avenue (Ambassador 1 Meeting Room)

Download (PDF, 109KB)

Membership Meeting @ Buffalo Campus:

Wednesday Oct 14, 2015 @ LGA Building – Steinbach Room
Agenda – To elect a bargaining committee member from Buffalo Place

Bring your proposals to us for the bargaining table! We’re soon going in to Bargaining. Thank you for completing and submitting your completed surveys.


General Membership Meeting Update: Oct 14, 2015 @ Buffalo Place

Update: due to poor turn out and not meeting the quorum, no members were nominated / elected from Buffalo campus.

Bargaining will proceed with previously elected Bargaining committee (with permission of HR).

General Membership Meeting Update: Sept 28, 2015 @ CanadInn

Update: Election for Bargaining Committee and VP was held.

Bernie Feakes was nominated and elected to be Vice President of the Local 5021.

4 members were elected to be on the Bargaining Committee. We’re still seeking for members from Buffalo place and MSC Sites.

Motion was passed to send up to 3 executive officers to CUPE National Convention 2015 in Vancouver

Another General Membership Meeting is being planned to fill the Bargaining Committee. We need 1 member to represent one site.

Reduction in Membership Dues, CUPE Education and more! Check out our Newsletter!